OneMilliontrees4Kilifi is an initiative directed towards #Callingbacktherains through planting 1,000,000 trees in Kilifi county. This is achievable through partnering with students and pupils in 400 plus schools in greater the County. By planting fruit and other trees in schools, children will have access to fruits to eat when they are in season and a cool, shaded environment to learn from. The enhanced tree cover will contribute to micro-climate our environment and call back the rains , which have failed over the past few years.
The organisation mission is to call back the rains. The vision is to see green Kilifi with increased annual precipitation.
The organisation has been able to roll out various programs like, 100 schools 100 students 1000 trees , this program focuses on the more than 400 school in Kilifi county. We have selected a few pioneer school and planted fruity trees to provide shade and food in the near future. Green City program, this initiative is aimed at having the town greened by planting trees on the road reserves, parking lots and gardens situated within the town. Acre Forests, this is where we engage the farmers who own large pieces of land in order to set a side a fraction of it for the purposes of growing trees. Save our Trees, this program is meant to create awareness to the community about the importance of forest cover and why we should protect our tress from being cut.
From January to April Onemilliontrees4kilifi has organised twelve events for tree planting in Kilifi county as a way of realising the governments #Jazamiti initiative. Our first opening year event was held at Buntwani park Malindi Kilifi. We where joined by 73 people and we planted 153 trees at Buntwani Park. The reason we choose to plant trees at this park are as follows.
- Buntwani is found at the heart of Malindi town. It being the only resting place from the hot sun of Malindi we realised that it had only 26 trees. to increase the tree cover for people to have shade to sit under and reduce carbon emitted by the industries and other machines.
- Buntwani being a park, many people visit it, by them enjoying shade from trees they are able to appreciate the importance of doing the same at there homes and villages. It is the best way to create awareness to the community
- The trees will act as wind breakers, thus shielding the structures near the ocean line from being carried away by the wind.
On 4th March we visited Shomani Girls School in Kakuyuni Kilifi County. We where able to plant 200 trees at the school compound. Shomani being a newly built school it had limited number of trees in their compound until we visited. Now the school will have a small park where the learners are able to sit and carry out their studies from. Most of the girls come from around the school and they will reciprocate the same at there home area when school closes. The Principal of Shomani Md Peninah was glad for our visit and the school actively participated in the tree planting event. That is how we celebrated WANGARI MATHAAI day
During the opening ceremony of Noc-K games we also had the privillege of planting 20 more trees at Buntwani park to remember the first time Malindi hosted the event. Onemilliontrees4kilifi planted trees with the NOC-K president, Dr. Paul Tergat and Kilifi Governor Hon. Gideon Mun’garo
Later on in March, 21st we took our Onemilliontrees4kilifi campaign to Pwani University. With the invitation from Pwani University and the Environmental club we planted 100 trees at the University premises near the Runda hostel. This will give the comrades a garden to carry out their research and also motivate them to plant more trees in future. This being the international forest day we left a mark that will be forever emulated.
#Onemilliontrees4kilifi ensures that the trees we plant have a successful growth of 100 percent. To ensure this happens we do follow up which includes tree replacement and weeding. On April 2rnd we did weed 143 trees and replaced 12 of them. Through doing this we are able to keep track on the number of trees we have planted.
On April 6th we took our fight to Kakuyuni Boys situated in Malindi. During our visit we formed an Environmental Club consisting of 63 learners. We enlighted the learners on what is expected of them. How they can be able to contribute to COP28, UNFCC and UN Environmental summits. After that we went ahead and planted 273 trees. the trees where strategically planted around the class and on the highways. This is to protect the learners from the heat and dust that is normally carried by wind to the classes.
On 8th April we took our fight to Ganda Secondary School. Ganda being a local school with girls likely to get married before completing their studies. We partnered with other stakeholders to motivate the students on the importance of learning and concentrating on their studies. After an impressive and satisfying talk with them, we embarked on tree planting. 58 BambaKofi, 70 Majidea and 80 Mivinje where planted. A total of 208 trees. Each student was assigned a tree and gave it a name. Most of the learners were using names of apparatus from the lab, like thermometer š”ļø, beaker, and so on. This proved that by planting trees learners can enhance their studies.
Our 7th station was Jilore High School. We where welcomed by the Principal Mr Wesindi. Jilore is one of the the oldest school around with vast land but little percentage is covered by trees.We planted 203 trees in the school premises, between the classes and the administration block. Due to lack of fence around the school the student created hat-like structures around the trees to protect them from goats and human disturbance. We plan to go back and do 5 acres of forest cover before the year end.
On 14th April our goal for achieving one million trees for Kilifi was taken to Kakoneni girls school. By the help of the Wildlife Club and educators at the School a total of 345 trees where planted. The tree types included 10 Quavas, 20 Neem trees, 55 Bambakofi, 100 Majidea and 160 Kasaurina. The wildlife club members where very pleased to engage in the tree planting event. Through that they where able to be motivated to continue taking care of the environment. One of the girls was quoted saying āI must join the university to make more impact on the environmentā This shows that the little things we do create a lot of impact.
On 15th April we where blessed to host Cabinet Secretary Hon Aisha Jumwa at Shomani girls where we added 20 more trees with her. We then proceeded to FB Tuva secondary where we planted trees in convection with the
Wildlife club members and ten teachers.
The types of trees planted where
1. Mijidea- 100
2. Mivinje – 90
3. Mkwaju – 60
It was good to share with the young ambitious boys and girls on the importance of planting trees and going green. We congratulated the students because they use bicycles to come to school thus zero Carbon. We lunched a nursery bed which.will be taken care by the wildlife members.
Acre forest is one of the programs that will enable our farmers engaged in tree planting and care. On 16th April a team of us mobilized residence of Ganda ward and Shella ward in Malindi. At first they did not see the importance of planting trees. However after being educated about the same they bought the idea. 750 trees. Where planted on that day. The tree types included,
1. Mivinje-150
2. Mikorosho-100
3. Borea – 150
4.Mchungwi- 250
5. Bambakofi-100
The community members of these two wards requested for more trees. They where too grateful on the gesture we showed them.
Before the schools closed for the first term break, we paid a visit to Mogotini Secondary. We appreciate the school and the Agriculture teacher for putting in extra energy towards planting trees. He has really transformed the school through greening it. By donating 205 trees it was nice to see students toil in order to make sure the trees are well-planted and watered. That marked our 12th station which was a wonderful one .
Mogotini Sec Girls during tree planting
With the first quarter of the year looking such beatific, having planted 2657trees. We believe that by having transport facility and seedlings we shall be able to tenth the number of trees in the coming quarter.
We like to pass our appreciation to Maono Space, Lit Initiative, Wadadia, Eunoia, Arocha, CJPD, Kilifi youth assembly and Kilifi human right centre for standing with us and participating in the events. Kudos.